Thursday, January 5, 2012

Thursday, Jan 5, 2012 Victor Barocas

Theme: All for one, and one for all






Each of the four main characters of Alexander Dumas' novel "The Three Musketeers" concealed in the grid. Athos, Porthos and Aramis were the "three"; D'Artagnan was not yet a Musketeer, he was bidding to join the ranks of those elite.

Nicely misleading at first, I was wondering what SEAPORT and HOSTESS could thematically have in common until I got the unifier at 40A, then the penny slowly dropped.

I don't think I'm alone in visualizing the four as being swordsman with suitably flashing blades, but the Musketeers really did carry muskets. I suppose the early Hollywood scriptwriters didn't find firearms as romantic or dramatic as cold, hard steel, and therefore that's the image we've been carrying ever since.


1. The "u" sound in "circus" : SCHWA I did not know this, learned something right off the bat.

6. Even if, for short : THO

9. Ladle cousin : SPOON. Certainly a much smaller relative.

14. "Yond Cassius has __ and hungry look" : A LEAN. Maybe he'd been given spoon-sized helpings.

15. Water in Côte d'Ivoire : EAU. Plenty of this off the Ivory Coast.

16. Dispute : ARGUE. You can have an argument, can you have a disputment?

17. Spicy Indian dish : CURRY. Food! I've been told the word is unknown in any of the languages spoken in India.

18. One side of the GW Bridge : NYC. De udder end is in Noo Joisey.

19. Preserves, in a way : SALTS. The verb, not the plural noun. Salted Jellies anyone?

20. Rotterdam, for one : SEAPORT. The one in the Netherlands, not the one in New York. There's a Curry Road in Rotterdam, NY.

22. Party person : HOSTESS. She's the one with the mostest.

24. Schnozzola : SNOOT. You cock a snoot to be described as snooty.

26. Tell it like it isn't : LIE. GW of 18A fame never told one.

27. TV's Dr. House, e.g. : LIMPER. Wanted LIMEY at first, until it didn't fit.

30. Enjoy a kiddie pool : WADE. That's a deep kiddie pool. I paddle.

32. Many a GI : PVT. Plenty of Joes, but more Privates in the General Infantry

35. Plains native : OTOE. I think I might have seen this before?

36. "... from my snow-white pen the __-coloured ink": Shak. : EBON. Nice "Shak" to clue the abridged "EBONy".

38. Bender : SPREE. Drinking, not shopping?

40. With "The," classic novel, each of whose major characters is hiding in a row of this puzzle : THREE MUSKETEERS

43. Thrift, briefly : SANDL. A flip-flop missing a toe? No, a Savings & Loan.

44. Crack : STAB. Something you can't do with a musket, but perhaps D'Artagnan had a crack at it.

45. Snug retreat : NEST. Feathered, preferably. Or is that a bad thing?

46. Super Bowl highlights, for many : ADS. Hand up for trying TDS first. The commercials are usually more entertaining than the touchdowns.

47. Luncheon follower? : ETTE. Has anyone ever eaten at one of these?

49. Takes a position : OPINES. A good puzzle today, in my opinion.

51. Eggs, biologically : OVA

52. Biden's 2008 counterpart : PALIN. Not sure either Joe or Sarah would appreciate the comparison.

54. Boxer from California : BARBARA. She's one of my Senators.

58. Letter : MISSIVE. Is a ten-page letter a massive missive?

62. __ a time : ONE AT. Luncheonette Etiquette dictates you are served one at a time

63. One in an unhappy chorus : BOO. Two boos and it's an owie.

65. Shroud city : TURIN. You ladle soup out of a Turin? Oh no, that's a tureen. Spooky shroud though.

66. Wind: Pref. : ANEMO. An anemometer measures wind speed. Say "anemometer" three times quickly.

67. Coffee holder : URN. It held tea last time I came across it here, I hope Rich rinsed it out.

68. '30s Chan portrayer : OLAND. Warner Oland. A name to add to the very short list of "Swedish Actors I know".

69. Control tower tracker : RADAR. Radio Detection And Ranging. Warner Oland is now on mine.

70. Game for it? : TAG. You're It.

71. Some iPods : NANOS. Mine's a Classic.


1. Pouches : SACS. I wanted to French-pronounce pouches "poo-shays" when I saw the answer.

2. This is one : CLUE

3. A sister of Demeter : HERA. Those Greeks, difficult to keep them all straight.

4. "Star Trek" measure : WARP SPEED. Cap'n, I cannae hold her much longer!

5. Whomever : ANYONE. "Whomever for Tennis?" doesn't have quite the same ring to it.

6. Nearing the hour : TEN TO. This sounds like Greenwich Mean Time to me. It's "ten of" PST.

7. Farm gathering : HAY. Make it while the sun shines.

8. Pained interjection : OUCH. That reminds me, I need to make a dentist appointment.

9. As fresh as they come : SASSIEST. Don't waste your Scrabble S's on this word.

10. Chatter : PRATE. Chatterers chat, prattlers prate. Why don't chattlers chat or prattlers prat?

11. Seriously check out : OGLE. Don't do this in front of your Significant Other. Trust me on this.

12. Inning enders : OUTS. Technically only the third out ends the inning.

13. Largest Scottish loch by volume : NESS. Contains the largest Scottish monster by volume.

21. Composer of the 2005 opera "Our Town" : ROREM. Of course he was. I'll take Victor's word for this.

23. Word with man or maid : OLD. I wanted MER first, then couldn't get Ethel Merman out of my mind.

25. Texas dance : TWO STEP. You take three steps in Alabama, according to Lynyrd Skynyrd.

27. Many, informally : LOTSA.

28. "__ to Be You" : IT HAD.

29. E'ens' counterparts : MORNS. Mornings for Evenings, not Odds for Evens.

31. "Puppy Love" singer : ANKA. For my generation it was Donny Osmond.

32. Get ready for the prom, say : PREEN. Who preens, the guy or the girl?

33. Frost product : VERSE. Who takes the road less travelled by? I take the freeway, I live in LA.

34. Medical battery : TESTS. Not a pacemaker power source.

37. Exceed 21, in a way : BUST. A blackjack "darn" moment.

39. The Crimea, e.g. : PENINSULA. Let's have the Lake Erie and Put-In  Bay conversation again!

41. Car in a shaft : ELEVATOR. I'm from the old country, we have lifts.

42. Where Christ stopped, in a Carlo Levi title : EBOLI. I thought this was a tropical disease.

48. La Brea goo : TAR. Funny how goop and goo are the same thing. Waste of a good P there.

50. One of six in a V-6 engine : PISTON. Cylinder and Spark Plug wouldn't fit.

51. "Dreams From My Father" memoirist : OBAMA

53. Surrounded by : AMONG.

54. Tusked mammal : BOAR. Is a long-winded tusker a bore?

55. Alexei Karenin's wife : ANNA. I thought her last name was Karenina?

56. English horn, for one : REED. It's brass, but it's a reed instrument. Causes confusion about where to sit in the orchestra.

57. Lie alongside : ABUT. Has to be close enough to touch, I think.

59. Caspian Sea country : IRAN

60. Rosso o bianco : VINO. Magnifico. What's your favorite Italian wine?

61. Closes : ENDS. I'm almost at the close.

64. Tuscan time period : ORA. How much wine can you drink  in an hour?

That's it from me today.


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